Seabreeze, MARAZION


Welcome to Seabreeze

Seabreeze is a holiday cottage in MARAZION, Cornwall. Book Seabreeze online today. This page contains information about Seabreeze including photos, reviews and more.

Prices start at £324.00 per week.

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This modern holiday bungalow is located just beyond the beach at Marazion and can sleep two people in one bedroom. All on one floor. 1 x double bedroom. Bathroom with bath and shower over, WC and basin. Open plan living area including lounge, dining area and kitchen.

Seabreeze is a modern, uncluttered bungalow alongside the former railway sidings and beach at Marazion. The property sleeps two people and has one double bedroom and a bathroom. There is also an open-plan living area which incorporates the lounge, dining area and kitchen. Outside is a small, private patio with a picnic bench, as well as shared lawned areas and off road parking for two cars. Located around 10 minutes? walk from the town centre, Seabreeze is a great choice for those seeking a coastal holiday with amenities close by. Note: This group of properties are situated 35m from the Penzance to Redruth railway line. Cornwall's visitors are constantly tempted back to the beautiful coastline, tiny fishing villages, hidden coves and the world-class surfing. Whatever the reason, Cornwall has long cemented its place as one of Britain's premier holiday destinations.

Seabreeze is provided by Sykes Cottages. On this page you can find info, photo galleries, reviews and weather. To check full details, view availability and book online, please use the button below.

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Facilities & Amenities

Electric central heating. Electric oven and hob, microwave, fridge, washing machine, TV. Fuel and power inc. in rent. Bed linen and towels inc. in rent. Cot and highchair available. Off road parking for 2 cars. Private patio with picnic bench, and shared lawned area. Sorry, no pets and no smoking.

Location, Location, Location!

The location of Seabreeze is shown on the map below. You can get directions, zoom and different options using the tools on the map.

The location of Seabreeze is shown on the map to the right. You can get directions, zoom and different options using the tools on the map.


Seabreeze is rated 2.0/5 based on 1 visitor review. We've listed Seabreeze visitor reviews below for your information. Other holiday cottage reviews can be found on our reviews page.


Rated 2/50 by on 15th April 2018

"Amazing view, not happy the hot water ran out after running a bath not even a quarter full, ended up have to go to our family's holiday home just to have a wash. Ants kept getting in, don't know where from but we found them all over the side and in our shoes. Toaster didn't work eaither, so making a simple slice of toast was made in the oven. Door broken as well can only open and close back door from inside."

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Weather Forecast

Arriving at Seabreeze soon? Make sure you're prepared, whatever the weather, by checking out the weather forecast for the week ahead at MARAZION (observations for Marazion).

Temp. Rainfall Wind Clouds Pressure Humidity
Today Light Rain 9°C - 10°C 0.27mm 18mph NNW 0% 1,016mb 84%
Tomorrow Moderate Rain 9°C - 11°C 17.90mm 39mph NNW 100% 1,016mb 87%
Monday Light Rain 9°C - 10°C 2.14mm 22mph NNW 57% 1,015mb 82%
Tuesday Light Rain 8°C - 9°C 1.21mm 19mph NNW 8% 1,020mb 70%
Wednesday Light Rain 7°C - 10°C 0.42mm 19mph NNW 67% 1,026mb 70%
Thursday Light Rain 8°C - 10°C 0.52mm 19mph NNW 100% 1,024mb 80%
Friday Scattered Clouds 7°C - 9°C 0.00mm 18mph NNW 40% 1,017mb 72%